Dance   /   Sound
Yann Leguay & Inga Huld Hákonardóttir

Again The Sunset (concert version)

Raw and poetic concert-performance contemplating on intimacy and the forces of nature.

In this raw and at the same time poetic concert-performance choreographer/dancer Inga Huld Hákonardóttir and sound artist Yann Leguay, unfold the concept of a love song into a physical and visual experience. They contemplate on intimacy and the forces of nature through song, movement and musical encounters with materiality. Extracting sound from a piece of wood, their beating gestures cause a quaking rhythm. Spoken word plays sonic limbo, their intonation stretched in time resulting in delicate harmonies.

Again The Sunset is a dialogue with raw material. It moves. It is a song, a speech and a story. It is a rambling of thoughts on a night of insomnia. It sounds like what you hear when you listen hard.


Concept choreography and performance Inga Huld Hákonardóttir | Musical composition and performance Yann Leguay | Scenography Inga Hákonardóttir and Yann Leguay | Light design Gregory Rivoux | Artistic advice Gaëtan Rusquet | Special thanks to Lucille Calmel, Sandy Williams, Mette Edvardsen, Rósa Ómarsdóttir, Théophile Gay-Mazas, Aymeric de Tapol, Zakaria Almutlak, Clive Mitchell | Executive production Kosmonaut Production | Co-production deSingel, MDT Stockholm, Kunstenwerkplaats With the support of: CAMPO, wpZimmer, STUK
Thu 24 Sep 2020 20:00
Thu 24 Sep 2020 22:00


STUK Ensemblezaal



Bijkomende info

This performance is part of STUK START.
Tickets are to be purchased beforehand, 1 order for 1 bubble.

Duration: 20'