Rosas / Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker — Fase © Herman Sorgeloos

Body of Work - Unfolding Fase

Body of Work is a new annual dance heritage festival.

A fresh addition to our House for Dance is the work on dance heritage. Among all art forms, dance is the most ephemeral; once a performance ends, all that remains for the public are memories or tangible remnants like film recordings or reviews. The dance itself dissipates. For choreographers and dancers, the legacy persists primarily through embodied knowledge. Thus arises the question: how do you pass dance on to new generations of audiences and dance(makers)? This question is the foundation of STUK's approach to immaterial dance heritage. Through the establishment of an expertise centre and the launch of an exciting new festival, we endeavour to provide an answer.

The first edition of that dance heritage festival Body of Work (re)discovers Fase by Anne Teresa De Keersmaeker / Rosas, with reenactments, (school) performances, workshops, an exhibition, concerts, lectures, films, a dance battle, ... The full programme will go online this fall.

Thu 20 Feb 2025 20:00 - Sun 9 Mar 2025
