© Karolina Maruszak
Anna Karenina Lambrechts

From Gravity to Grace

STUK i.s.m. 30CC

From Gravity to Grace is an exploration of krump - an energetic and expressive dance form in which raw and repressed emotions are expressed in a powerful and non-violent way. Anna Karenina delves into the content and dance techniques and explores what krumping means to her. The connection between the earthly and the heavenly is central in an attempt to understand her own roots, to convey, to touch a higher reality. Through krump and contemporary dance, she explores the intersection of her Filipino roots and the Western lifestyle.

From Gravity to Grace is a story about intensity and emotionality, about all that is initiated from a deep emotional source, about the body as a carrier of emotions and experiences. An attempt to bring to the surface what is buried, repressed or lost.

Anna Karenina Lambrechts is a dancer from Leuven. Since graduating from Fontys Hogeschool voor de Kunsten (Tilburg /NL), she has been working mainly professionally in Brussels. In 2017, she joined Anton Lachky Company and collaborated in three productions: Cartoon, Family Journey and Ludum. At Ultima Vez, she can be seen in: Go Figure Out Yourself, Traces, Hands do not touch your precious Me and Scattered Memories. From 2021, she will consider her own work and delve into krumping. Her first solo performance The Sensual Side explores the multiple layers of personality.


choreography & dance Anna Karenina Lambrechts movement coaches Hendrickx Ntela, Mike van Alfen dramaturgy Greet Van Poeck light design & scenography Stef Stessel sound design Elko Blijweert distribution Get Down Agency co-production De Singel, STUK residencies STUK, De Singel, fABULEUS, Corso, Ultima Vez, VIERNULVIER, GC Het Huys, Het Oude Badhuis, De Ruimte, RADAR administration STUK with the support of Mestizo Arts Platform & WIPCOOP, RADAR, fABULEUS, Danspunt, Stad Leuven

Thu 3 Apr 2025 20:30
Tickets Laatste tickets Uitverkocht


€16 standard
STUK card
Culture Card / -19 years old

Buy your season ticket here
Buy your STUK card here

Performance sold out or waiting list? Tickets may still be available via 30CC.

