© Bart Grietens
Haider Al Timimi / Antigone


The raw, explosive energy of hiphop shows the disruptive and constructive power of chaos

STUK with 30CC

New York, early 1970s. The South Bronx is on fire, literally and symbolically. The middle class has left it; the economy is collapsing; buildings are empty, demolished or set on fire; gangs are making the streets unsafe; sixty per cent of young people are unemployed. They have no money to go to a club, so they palm the streets with their sound systems and pieces of cardboard. They lay a floor and dance on the break. They write their names on the walls, they express their discontent on music. Their resistance to the establishment grows into a culture: hip-hop.

They are little foci of chaos, trying to break the laws and regularities of our world through a ripple effect. Be it solar systems or politics, families or economics: systems tend to sustain themselves, even at the expense of the organisms that are part of them. The jammers that disrupt those systems are precisely the factors that keep them moving and changing.

In HAVOC, Haider Al Timimi takes a closer look at the power of disrupters. The raw explosive energy of hip-hop is the guiding principle here. With a cast of top-level b-boys and b-girls, Al Timimi uses dance and music to explore the disruptive and constructive power of chaos. To the tones of 'The Revolution Will Not Be Televised' by protest poet Gil Scott-Heron, driven by anger and hope.

School performances

Th 24 Oct 2024 - 10:00 & 13:30


a production of Antigone Choreography & direction Haider Al Timimi Created with & performed by Lewis Cooke, Simon Dejaegere, Abdennacer Leblalta, Adem Ouhaibia, Delanotché, Ines Dumbi Dramaturgy Bart Capelle Light design & scenography Stef Stessel Costume design Andrea Kraenzlin Sound design Niels Vanherpe Lighting Jonas Lambrigts Sound Siebe Coorevits Production Antigone Co-production Perpodium Supported by de Tax Shelter van de Belgische federale overheid via Cronos Invest

Tue 22 Oct 2024 20:30
Tickets Laatste tickets Uitverkocht
Wed 23 Oct 2024 20:30
Tickets Laatste tickets Uitverkocht


STUK Soetezaal


€16 standard
STUK card
Culture Card / -19 years old

Buy your season ticket here
Buy your STUK card here

Performance sold out or waiting list? Tickets may still be available via 30CC.


15 - 115


Arabic, English and French, with Dutch surtitles