© Gianni Urmeneta Ottiker
Dance   /   Performance
Ingrid Berger Myhre

In Other Words

With her intelligent and relativizing take on dance, Ingrid Berger Myhre creates unpretentious and humorous performances. In In Other Words, she continues her play with the capacities and shortcomings of language – using it as a scaffold for dance as poetic expression.

Is dance a language? And if so, how does it speak? With the stage as the page, choreographic writing unfolds a physical discourse with its own syntax, grammar and vocabulary. But what determines these dance expressions? And what does it mean to read dance? In other words, if we are not seeking meaning, how do we expierence sense making while watching this dance?


Research & choreography Ingrid Berger Myhre in collaboration with Pablo Esbert Lilienfeld, Chloe Chignell and Thomas Bîrzan Performed by Pablo Esbert Lilienfeld, Chloe Chignell, Thomas Bîrzan/Calvin Ferdinando Carrier and Ingrid Berger Myhre In conversation with Bojana Cvejić Sound design Lasse Passage Light design Dominique Pollet Scenography Edwin Kolpa Costumes Min Li Executive production Caravan Production (BE) Funded by Arts Council Norway, Fond for Lyd og Bilde, Flemish Community Commission of the Brussels Capital Region Co-production Black Box Teater (Oslo, NO), BUDA kunstencentrum (BE) in the frame of apap - FEMINIST FUTURES, Dansateliers Rotterdam (NL), MDT Stockholm (SE), Regional Arena for Samtidsdans (NO), SPRING Festival (Utrecht, NL) Residencies: Black Box Teater (Oslo, NO), BUDA kunstencentrum (BE), Dansateliers Rotterdam (NL), KAAP (Brugge, BE), Kunstenwerkplaats - KWP (Brussel, BE), STUK (Leuven, BE) Supported by P.A.R.T.S. Research Studios ’17-’18

Tue 15 Oct 2024 20:30
Tickets Laatste tickets Uitverkocht


STUK Soetezaal


€18 standard
STUK card
Culture Card / -19 years old

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