
Maarten Heijnens — The Meeting

Watching and being watched. An intimate encounter.

➤ Part of TakeOff UUR KULTUUR
➤ STUK Studio
➤ 20:00 & 22:00 (40’)
➤ You can only visit this ongoing installation with two people at a time. Drinks are not allowed. You decide how long you stay. Enter the installation with someone you don't know.

The Meeting focuses on the space between you and the other person. When, why and how do we experience a sense of closeness or distance in relation to each other? In this performative installation, you are invited (both of you) to blur the boundaries between you and the other, between watching and being watched and between the public and the private. In this way, The Meeting proposes an alternative form of meeting each other in a more intimate way. Where intimacy is often linked to (physical) touch or romance, this work offers a broadening of the concept of intimacy through a precise interplay of light, presence and absence, proximity, interactivity and sound.


STUK Studio