© Danny Willems
Lisbeth Gruwez & Maarten Van Cauwenberghe / Voetvolk


STUK with 30CC

In Nomadics eight dancers explore how to lend a voice to nature. It is the place par excellence to unwind, but what do we give back?

The performers depict how nature looks back at man and suffers their footsteps. They embody how she reclaims her place and retaliates. This is done from an inadequate - because human - but also infectious and whimsical imagination.

Nomadics allows dancers to become a (passing) raging landscape. Sometimes they are tree, sometimes they are grass. Sometimes they are rock or human. This constant transformation results in beauty as well as friction: there is tension in the air. But as physics shows us: friction eventually leads to warmth, deceleration or change. Or again: through the struggle, the dancers in Nomadics seek connection, both with nature and with each other.

In the process, music is in strong symbiosis with dance, as always at Voetvolk. Maarten Van Cauwenberghe has recorded sounds during walks - footsteps, water, wind in the trees, highways... – and has turned them into environmental techno.

Before the show, the dancers take a kilometres-long walk, along with anyone from the audience who feels like joining them. The dancers appear at an agreed place and time and pick them up for a walk that is all about looking, experiencing and connecting with the landscape. From the stimuli and noise of the city to the tranquillity of the country. And back to the hustle and bustle. They end on stage, where the paths separate again, and the performance can begin. But the experience of the journey returns in intensified form.


Before the performance, you can join the dancers for a long walk.

Ticket holders for the performance will be contacted one month beforehand with all practical information about the starting point and trajectory, and the possibility to reserve.

14:30 - 18:00 (Th 29 May - walk +/- 12 km)
19:30 - 21:30 (Fr 30 May - walk +/-8 km)


Th 29 May 18:00
Fr 30 May 21:30


CHOREOGRAPHY Lisbeth Gruwez COMPOSITION, SOUND DESIGN & LIVE MUSIC Maarten Van Cauwenberghe PERFORMANCE Antoni Androulakis, Artemis Stavridis, Francesca Chiodi Latini, Lucie Domenach, Raoul Riva, Simon Arson, Victoria Rose Roy, Valeria Saija DRAMATURGY Bart Meuleman LIGHT DESIGN Jan Maertens COSTUME DESIGN Eli Verkeyn TRAINEES Emma Meerschaert PRODUCTION Voetvolk vzw CO-PRODUCTION KVS - Koninklijke Vlaamse Schouwburg (Royal Flemish Theatre), Perpodium, Julidans, Theater Freiburg & Charleroi Danse INTERNATIONAL DISTRIBUTION Materialise - Stéphane Noël RESIDENCES arts centre Nona, BUDA, Charleroi Danse, Voetvolk Atelier Rubigny WITH THE SUPPORT OF the Flemish Community & the tax shelter of the Belgian Federal Government via Mohow

Thu 29 May 2025 18:00
Tickets Laatste tickets Uitverkocht
Fri 30 May 2025 21:30
Tickets Laatste tickets Uitverkocht


STUK Soetezaal


€26 standard
STUK card
Culture Card / -19 years old

Buy your season ticket here
Buy your STUK card here

Performance sold out or waiting list? Tickets may still be available via 30CC.


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