Raven Chacon Gauge 2013 2015 video still Courtesy of the artist

Raven Chacon — Rift Variations: Collaborative Video Works

A monumental triple-channel video installation; the landscape as a living canvas.

➤ Part of TakeOff UUR KULTUUR
➤ STUK Expozaal
➤ Ongoing 19:00-23:00
➤ Short introduction (10’) by curator Karen Verschooren at 19:30, 20:30, 21:30 & 22:3

A monumental video work is the centrepiece of Raven Chacon's solo exhibition: on three large screens, ice rocks painted with graffiti art in the Canadian Arctic appear and disappear. In this work, the landscape truly becomes a living canvas.

Collaboration is important to Chacon: three other video works show him in a musical dialogue with fellow artists Candice Hopkins, Rob Thorne and Cannupa Hanska Luger in the West Mesa outside Albuquerque, a sacred site for many indigenous peoples.

Raven Chacon is an American artist and composer from the Navajo community. His work focuses on the landscape and questions our place as humans on this planet. An internationally renowned artist, Chacon won the Pulitzer Prize for music composition in 2022 and was awarded as a MacArthur Fellow in 2023. This is his first solo exhibition in Belgium.


STUK Expozaal