Ugo Rondinone Burn to Shine Video still 2023 Courtesy of the artist and Presenhuber Gallery

Ugo Rondinone — Burn to Shine

Sweeping and energetic: dive into this live-affirming video by Ugo Rondinone

➤ Courtyard
➤ Thursday 19.09 - 19:00 → 03:00 (ongoing)
➤ Friday 20.09 - 19:00 → 05:00 (ongoing)
➤ Time slots with open sound:
Thursday 19.09 - 19:45, 20:45 & 22:15
Friday 20.09 - 19:45, 20:45 & 22:45

‘According to the legend, a phoenix lived for 500 years. Just before its time was up the phoenix built a nest and set itself on fire. Then at sunrise a new phoenix arose from the ashes.’ - Rondinone

At sundown, a group of dancers and percussionists gather around a fire in an undefined desert. Drums calling, bodies stomping, shaking, twirling and running in ecstatic trance; an all encompassing life-affirming dance celebrating the cycle of life, until sunrise.


2022, Single channel video (color, sound), 13’40”
Courtesy of the artist and Presenhuber Gallery

© Maru Teppei

Ugo Rondinone
(°1964, Brunnen, Switzerland)

Recognised as one of the major voices of his generation, Ugo Rondinone composes searing meditations on nature and the human condition. The breadth and generosity of his vision have resulted in a wide range of two-dimensional and three-dimensional objects, installations, videos, and performances. Over the course of the past two decades, his work has been the subject of solo presentations world-wide, amongst which most recently at Belvedere, Vienna (2021); Tamayo Museum, Mexico City (2022); Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt (2022); Petit Palais, Paris (2022); Scuola Grande San Giovanni Evangelista di Venezia, Venice (2022); The Musée d'Art et d'Histoire, Geneva, (2023); Storm King, New York (2023); The Städel Museum, Frankfurt (2023) and Museum SAN, South Korea (2024). Ugo Rondinone studied at the Universität für Angewandte Kunst in Vienna before moving to New York in 1997, where he lives and works to this day.


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