Katie Vickers and students Bachelor 3 Dance Royal Conservatoire Antwerp - Good Grief

Good Grief transitions between presence and absence and absence and presence, an exploration of absurdity through movement, voice and objects. The third years of the Royal Conservatoire Antwerp move in a loop, a kaleidoscope of simultaneous actions that revs up, unloops, comes together, accumulates, and explodes — a choreographic machine where the individual and group intertangle. Through repetition and loops, we allow utter bizarreness to bring our unfiltered selves to life.


concept & choreography Katie Vickers created and performed by Carla Andrades Palacios, Emma Baele, Mira Biermans, Amber Cools, Diogo Da Eira Lopes, Morgane Descheemaker, Melis Ergüven, Héctor Espuela Pablo, Léa Jean, Manu Mpasi, Alberto Spanò light design Caroline Mathieu costume advice Chris Snik outside eye Elia Chataigner music I come out of your sleep by Annea Lockwood, Kurve, Pt. 1&2 by hÄK/Danzeisen, Elephants cry salty tears by Manos Tsangaris, Machinedrum Blues, Deep Etude by Dehendrik Willekens, Venit Lumen, Gesualdo by Ruben Martinez Orio with the support of STUK and c o r s o

The work of Katie Vickers is situated between performance and choreography. She has worked as a professional dancer in the United States and Northern Europe with Daniel Linehan (USA), Martin Nachbar (GE), Benjamin Vandewalle (BE), Vera Tussing (GE), Rósa Omarsdóttir (IS), J Neve Harrington (UK), Thierry de May (BE), Albert Quesada (SP), David Gordon (US), Deborah Hay (US), amongst others. Her own work seeks for friction between sensation and meaning. A question of the body to find the unfamiliar in the familiar. Since 2014, she has been supported by deSingel, Dommelhof TAKT, Vooruit, STUK, wpZimmer, Uferstudios, Schloss Bröllin, and MAAS and has collaborated with Inga Huld Hákonardóttir extensively. Currently, she is focused on slowness as resistance, grief, and storytelling through collective weaving. Katie received her MFA from University of the Arts in Philadelphia and is also a graduate of P.A.R.T.S. (BE) and The Ohio State University (US).