Since January 2002, you find STUK in the Naamsestraat. Architect Willem Jan Neutelings transformed the former Arenberg building into a house with many rooms — inviting, visible, and accessible. This KU Leuven building is leased to STUK for 50 years. From November 2021 to June 2023, the STUK building underwent extensive renovations, designed by Neutelings-Riedijk Architects. STUK became more sustainable, accessible, and inclusive.
During the renovation, several necessary interventions were made in terms of sustainability and climate. All 200 windows were replaced with double glazing, the roofs were better insulated, and the heating system was thoroughly reviewed. In terms of lighting, we are fully committed to the LED transition, both for theatre and for fixed lighting. The outdoor spaces were partly depaved and greened. Rainwater is collected and reused via infiltration crates.
As STUK is a semi-public space with many passageways and thoroughfares, we opted for a design that focused on upgrading the outdoor spaces. With new benches, seating areas, additional greenery, and lighting, STUK becomes a pleasant and safe environment for everyone. Three new lifts, electric doors, ramps, and the levelling of level differences make STUK more accessible. Guiding lines ensure that everyone can get to the STUKcafé or STUK reception independently. There is a large, equipped bicycle shed on Schapenstraat and a smaller one on Naamsestraat. You no longer need to go outside for the renovated toilets, as they are located at the back of the STUK Reception. Lockers are being installed at various locations, and an extra door between the café and Naamsestraat serves as an additional buffer for sound and warmth.
Last but not least, the renovation has led to a more inclusive and participatory in-house programme under the name STEK — a low-threshold incubator where sparks of (artistic) innovation for the entire arts centre can arise (*). For this, the former Paviljoenenzaal has been redesigned and renamed STEK Workspace, and a new soundproof room (STEK Club) has been built underground. In the STEK Workspace, you'll find a cosy coworking space, workshop or meeting rooms, an audio studio, a piano pavilion, and small rehearsal spaces. STEK Club is a place for anyone who wants to develop creatively as a maker, organiser, curator, artist, or radio or podcast creator, regardless of background, age, discipline, or medium. Both individuals and organisations are welcome, with one-off initiatives or recurring projects, from Leuven or beyond.
* The STEK programme will only start in full when everything and everyone is ready.